

26 February 2014


Goddess of the Day

Themes: Protection; Manifestation; Movement; Energy; Restoration; Flexibility
Symbols: Water

Oba Speaks:

Daughter of water, daughter of the salty sea, daughter of my womb,

Have you been on dry land, too long? Have you have you forgotten you are made of water? Have you forgotten you are wild? Have you forgotten how to flow?

If you feel stagnant or too shallow.... if you feel damned up or restrained... if you feel you've lost your shimmer and shine, place your hands in water and call upon me with this chant:

Oba, flow - blessings bestow.
Pour, pour, pour ... restore, restore, restore. 

Allow my fluidity to flow through you, today. 
Remember, water is more powerful than stone. Use yours to cut through anything that hinders your sacred path.Become one with me and let's flow where you truly desire to go...
She of the Waters 


The Goddesses shared in this daily Goddess blog are inspired by: 
365 Goddess by Patricia Telesco

art credit:
Oba - unknown


  1. thank you for the beautiful image and the information on Oba who lives on thru those who hear her and recognize her energy in their lives.
    Thank you Mother Oba for all you have provided in my life

    1. My pleasure, darling.
      May Oba bless you abundantly.
      Leesa - The Gypsy Priestess


May the Goddess Bless You Abundantly!