

27 February 2014


Goddess of the Day

Themes: Tradition; Heritage; Weather; Arts
Symbols: Lei Flowers; Dance; Yellow

Laka Speaks:

Daughter, come sit with me, hear the ancient stories within us both,

Do you remember being a little girl? Do you remember wanting to hear the stories held tight within your mother and grandmothers breast? Do you know that these stories are written in your bones? It's true! Beautiful daughter, it's time to gather the stories of your youth. It's time to remember the myths and legends of your family, of your people, your culture, your tribe. It is you, to whom the children will come. It is you, who will be the story teller. It is you who will reawaken the memories within the generations to follow. It is your sacred duty to write these stories down. Do not allow this task to be a chore, but rather, begin small... Remember your own youth and begin fleshing it out on paper, one memory at a time. Go back further.. Remember the stories your mother shared. Remember the stories your grandmother told you of her life. Write these down for your children, for your future grandchildren, for your community...

Honor the traditions of your ancestors... Bring them back alive with your personal experiences woven between the words. These will be come sacred documents passed down from generation to generation. 

In loving memory,


The Goddesses shared in this daily Goddess blog are inspired by: 
365 Goddess by Patricia Telesco

art credit:
Laka, Goddess of Hula by photographer Alan Houghton

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