

25 February 2014


Goddess of the Day

Themes: Kindness; Love; Divination; Foresight
Symbols: Lion; Lilies; a Tree or Pole

Asherah Speaks:


Stand strong. Stand tall. Be of good courage. I am here, always, offering to you, my insight and support in your time of need. You are never alone. I acknowledge your good intentions. I see your efforts and willingness to try, again and again and again, despite all obstacles. I see YOU and the future that spreads out before you. 

Whenever you are in doubt, fearful or struggling, speak this prayer and I will hear you:

Lady, make me an instrument of kindness and mercy;
Let my words be gentle and true, my actions motivated by insight and fairness.
Where there is prejudice, let me be the bearer of tolerance. 
Where there is uncertainty, let me share your vision. 
Where there is disharmony, let me sow love.

You are love, itself, beloved daughter. I desire to shower you with the love you give.


The Goddesses shared in this daily Goddess blog are inspired by: 
365 Goddess by Patricia Telesco

art credit:
Ashtar Comes Forth ~ Bringing Balance Into the World Through Divine Love
by Baraka Robin Berger

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