

17 February 2014


Goddess of the Day

Themes: Home; Love
Symbols: Stove; Fire; Wheat

Fornax Speaks:

Blessings daughter,

It is I, Fornax, the heart of  your home; your oven/stove/hearth. Today, in honor of me, and of life, itself, bake a loaf of bread. Bread is an ancient source of nourishment, and as such, deserves to be honored for the blessings it provides, even if you only prepare a slice of toast. Enjoy the heartiness of each bite and give thanks for the sustenance gifted to you.

If time does not allow for kneading, allowing to rise, and baking bread, perhaps you will choose to build a roaring fire, or at least, light some candles, to acknowledge the warmth and light of the Goddess. 

The Eternal Flame,


The Goddesses shared in this daily Goddess blog are inspired by: 
365 Goddess by Patricia Telesco

art credit:
"Goddess of Bread" by echo-x.

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