

07 February 2014

Hsi Ho

Goddess of the Day

Themes: Spring; Harvest; Luck; Divination; Hope; Weather
Symbols: Water Buffalo; Bear

Hsi Ho Speaks:

Bright blessings, daughter,

It is I, She Who Brings the Spring.... If you seek my clarity, bathe a golden candle in fragrant oil. Choose a scent that reminds you of spring time or the warmth of the sun. Light the candle and place it upon your altar along with your prayers. 

Watch the flame carefully:

If it burns bright and strong: 
You shall enjoy good luck in the coming months.
If it sparks or flickers:
You will be receiving news or a visitor. 
If it smolders or dies:
Remain alert and conscious of your choices and thoughts.

Enjoy the weather, whatever it is, my daughter, as there is beauty in all seasons.
Hsi Ho 


The Goddesses shared in this daily Goddess blog are inspired by: 
365 Goddess by Patricia Telesco

art credit:
“Hsi-Ho” by Janet Hess

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