

18 February 2014


Goddess of the Day

Themes: Peace; Death; Protection
Symbols: Rose; Violet; Wine; Crossroads

Lara Speaks:


Though I remember you, you may not yet, know me. I am the Mother of the Dead. I have gathered your ancestors unto my loving breast. I stand at the crossroads and call to those who are ready to pass through the veil. 

Today, take time to honor and remember those you have loved who are no longer living on Earth. Sip a glass of wine. Be at peace, knowing you are protected and safe. Hold to your thoughts the sweet memories of yesterday. Visit the tombs of your lost beloveds, and lay roses or violets upon their graves as a token of love, that never dies. Upon returning home, scatter rose petals or sweet violets upon your door step to protect all those coming and going.

Shed tears, but also live with joy!
In time, I will lovingly greet you, and midwife you, too, to the otherside.


The Goddesses shared in this daily Goddess blog are inspired by: 
365 Goddess by Patricia Telesco

art credit:

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