

21 February 2014


Goddess of the Day

Themes: Death; Freedom
Symbols: Fire

Libitina Speaks:


Do not flee from my embrace. Release your fear. Release all that is ready to die. 
Let it go. Surrender the old. When you see me, do not fear. Though I stand guard over funeral pyres, I am not death, but rather a midwife for death. Allow me to assist you in sacrificing bad habits, fear,
outmoded thinking, falsehood, and dis-ease. 

Call on me to honor, appease and communicate with those who have crossed through the veil, on your behalf. Call on me when you are facing death and desire to release fear. Call on me to take from you all that no longer serves or benefits you, body, mind and soul. Call on me to assist the transition for those who are ready to leave this earthly realm. Call on me for comfort. 

I hear your cries. I hear your silent pleas. 
I await to liberate you,


The Goddesses shared in this daily Goddess blog are inspired by: 
365 Goddess by Patricia Telesco

art credit:
“Dark Angel” by ZenkaiAnkoku

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