

24 February 2014


Goddess of the Day

Themes: Rebirth; Cycles; Joy; Courage; Hope; Cleansing; Change
Symbols: Flowers; Dance; Iron; Sword; Peacock Feathers; Honey

Kali Speaks:

It is TIME, daughter. Time to pay attention. Time to awaken. Time to release. Time to flow with the change at hand. Time for hope. Time for courage. Time for joy. 

No matter what the circumstances of your life, they will change. Nothing ever remains the same. Be open to these sacred cycles of life. Celebrate the blessings of each and every season. Allow them to cleanse you: mind, body and spirit. Allow them to take what no longer serves you and to give birth to what awaits you. Dance! Dance to usher in the needful changes in your life. Dance to move the energy. Dance to stir up something new. Dance to honor life. Dance your self through the challenging situations. Dance to celebrate!

On this day, daughter of time, receive the blessings I wish to impart to you. Run a warm bath, toss in a handful of flower petals and bathe. Cleanse your body. Purify your thoughts. Wash away all that clouds your spirit. Offer to me all unfinished projects, stagnant energy and dying relationships, and I will transform them (and you!). 

The Goddess of Change,


The Goddesses shared in this daily Goddess blog are inspired by: 
365 Goddess by Patricia Telesco

art credit:
Kali by Lisa Iris

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