

12 February 2014


Goddess of the Day

Themes: Earth; Harvest; Providence; Health; Weather
Symbols: Corn; Beans; Seeds; Soil

Iyatiku Speaks:

Rest in my arms, precious child,

You are safe to rest with me, like the seed does in the dark soil, until it is ready to open and grow. I offer you comfort and nurturing attention. Allow my love to permeate you in every way. Be open for my guidance. Take time to meditate and go within.... Listen for the silent wisdom that will be given to you. Spend time sitting or walking upon the earth. My body is sacred space. My love is holy. Rest here and I will meet you in the silence, and assist you in manifesting whatever your heart most desires.

With so much love,


The Goddesses shared in this daily Goddess blog are inspired by: 
365 Goddess by Patricia Telesco

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