

27 March 2014


Goddess of the Day

Themes: Air; Health
Symbols: A Pot; Turquoise; Musk; a Star; Wind; Cow

Nut Speaks:

Greetings, beautiful daughter of the Earth,

Look up! I am She Who Stretches Across the Sky. I shelter you and watch over you constantly. It is my pleasure to bless you. My four pillars: earth, air, fire and water seek to aid and bless you, too. 

Take a brisk walk, today, and pay attention to my voice on the wind... I have a message especially for you!

If the wind blows from:

the East - 
toss a feather for healthy mental outlook.
the South - 
burn musk incense manifest vital energy and passion.
the West - 
sprinkle water for emotional healing.
the North - 
sift a handful of soil to lay a strong foundation for you visions and ideas.

And, if it swirls, dance!


The Goddesses shared in this daily Goddess blog are inspired by: 
365 Goddess by Patricia Telesco

art credit
The Goddess Nut by Lisa Hunt

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