Themes: Luck; Health; Longevity; Harvest; Fertility
Symbols: Water
I delight in showering you with blessings of prosperity and growth, beloved daughter!
Awaken with the energies of spring! Allow yourself to be open to new possibilities and insight. It's time to celebrate change! Consider what is in need of cleansing, purification and refreshment in your life, body and thinking...
Today, beloved, focus on the element of water. Be grateful for the abundant blessings it offers to you. You cannot live without it. Celebrate it in every way you can:
- bathe in it (allow it to wash away impurities)
- drink it (it's important to keep hydrated)
- clean with it (bring a sense of clarity to your home)
- nourish life with it (water your plants, change water in fishbowl, etc.)
- swim in it (float in the waters of life - a gentle exercise)
Think: FLOW
Affirmation: I flow with ease. I enjoy the juiciness of life!
Wear: blues, white and purples (to embrace the energy of water)
The Goddesses shared in this daily Goddess blog are inspired by:
365 Goddess by Patricia Telesco
art credit
The Witch of Endor by Kunz Meyer-Waldeck
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