

10 March 2014


Goddess of the Day

Themes: Love; Romance; Forgiveness; Humor
Symbols: Oak; Myrrh; Poppy

Hera Speaks:

Sweet daughter,

Take time today to share your love with another.... If you are in a relationship, be creative and manifest ways to show your playful and passionate love. Discover ways to mend any rifts in your relationships. Find reasons to laugh and be of good cheer. If you are alone, shower yourself with love. Create art, prepare a beautiful meal for yourself, or treat yourself to something lovely.

If possible, sit beneath an old, oak tree, today and contemplate the beauty and abundance in your life. There is so much to be grateful for, always! Go for a hike... gather any fallen wood you may find as a token of my essence. Keep an eye out for poppies! If you see one, this will be a symbol of my love for you! If you do not see any, bring them into your life in other ways: Paint a field of poppies; buy a packet of poppy seeds to plant in your garden, or scatter to the wind; thumb through floral garden books or magazines in hopes of seeing a brilliant orange or red poppy.....if all else fails, simply visualize poppies....

I watch over you constantly, my darling.
I encircle you with love. You are never alone, truly.


The Goddesses shared in this daily Goddess blog are inspired by: 
365 Goddess by Patricia Telesco

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