

23 March 2014


Goddess of the Day

Themes: Spring; Weather; Protection; Winter; Death; Rebirth; Cycles; Change; Growth
Symbols: Doll (poppet's); Water (including ice and snow)

Marzenna Speaks:

As winter comes to an end, allow all that burdens and troubles you to die with it. Release heaviness, fatigue, stress and worry. Be open, sweet daughter, as change is on her way! It is vital for your growth and health that you trust that you are protected as you bravely face what lies ahead. Make room in your life for new habits. Start living your life in this moment, now, as you truly, consciously desire to live, do and be. 

Change is not easy, as there must be a breaking away before the new can even peek into your life. But with courage and faith, you will witness the beauty to come! Just remain open and willing to stretch beyond your current limitations. Envision spring in every area of your life, and within your body, mind, and heart. 

It's time!

{ Marzenna flings herself into a raging river; surrendering to the flow of life }


The Goddesses shared in this daily Goddess blog are inspired by: 
365 Goddess by Patricia Telesco

art credit
Buried in Salt and Sand
a daughter of smoke and bone
by Marzanna 

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