

22 December 2013

Cailleach Bheur

Goddess of the Day

Themes: Balance; Cycles; Rebirth; Overcoming; Winter
Symbols: Snow; Blue Items

Cailleach Bheur Speaks:

Greetings from the Spirit of Winter,

Though I am as old as time itself... and as barren as the darkest winter night... I am woman, I am Goddess, I am powerful, still. I come to teach you endurance, inner strength, faith and trust. Listen to the wisdom of one who knows, dear girl. When you think you can go no further, when you think you have suffered more than your share, when you think you have no energy left to try again, I will stir within your consciousness. What some think of as the tomb, I know as the womb. Allow your spirit to be inspired by hope. Know that rebirth always follows what you perceive as death. Let the cycles of winter and spring reveal their wisdom unto you.

Do not be afraid of change, of the dark, or the unknown, but rather, dear girl, listen for the truth whispered throughout time and within your own knowing. Be honest with yourself. Take risks and follow your intuitive instincts. They are a light which will grow ever stronger, ever brighter if you will but walk toward it. Wear something blue today, as a constant reminder of your inner wisdom. Listen for the voice of the Goddess within, and speak Her truth as your own. This is the longest day of the year, the Solstice of Winter.... Though just barely perceivable, each day from now until spring will grow longer and longer. Allow this to be a gift of hope. With each day, build upon your inner sense of balance and trust. The seeds you plant will blossom profusely in the coming months....

I have spoken as on the cold wind...
Allow my truth to wrap about you, offering comfort in the depth of winters cold. 
the Crone Goddess

The Goddesses shared in this daily Goddess blog are inspired by: 
365 Goddess by Patricia Telesco

art credit:
Blue Hag - Blue Annis
Cailleach Bheur, Goddess as the Winter Mother

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