

31 December 2013


Goddess of the Day

Themes: Moon; Beginnings; Magick
Symbols: Serpent, Horse or Dog (Her sacred animals); Light (torch); Myrrh; Silver; Moonstone

Hecate Speaks:

Greetings of Moonlight and Opportunity, dear Granddaughter....

Tonight I open a pathway so you may discard all that you wish to release and forget of the moons past, and welcome unto you, that which your heart desires most. I stand at the cross roads of your life bearing a bright torch to guide you. Choose wisely, the path you will walk, as this doorway opens to reveal your future. 

On this sacred eve, take time to contemplate your journey. With gratitude thank She Who Has Guided Your Path, and offered clarity when you were unsure. I come to take from you all that you no longer require for growth, healing and empowerment, and offer in return, my power. Use it to celebrate and honor the energies that dwell within you and keep you on your soul path, despite distractions, sorrow and confusion. 

Wear the moonstone to keep sacred your intentions for the New Year, and keep it close to your heart when you are fearful or doubt yourself. I am ever with you. Call upon me and I will light the way.


The Goddesses shared in this daily Goddess blog are inspired by: 
365 Goddess by Patricia Telesco

art credit:
Hecate - Goddess of Crossroads 
by 7th-Pillar

30 December 2013


Goddess of the Day

Themes: Winter; Peace; Protection; Air; Mediation; Promises; Beginnings 
Symbols: Rainbow; Water

Iris Speaks:

Bright blessings, sister of light.

I bring hope to those who worry, despair, or have given up. I wish to shine my message of calm, new beginnings upon you. As the year comes to an end, release all that has been troublesome, fearful or sad. Trust that something better will soon bless you.

Like a rainbow after a storm, I come to encourage you and restore your faith in yourself, in your dreams, in life itself. Allow me to inspire you. Allow my radiance to become your own. Hang crystals in your windows to catch the suns rays, to remind you that beauty is everywhere. Take a walk in the fresh air today and feel a renewed sense of cleansing energy wash over you. Open a window, even if just briefly to let the sweet air stir the staleness that envelopes you. 

To integrate the sweet lightness of being into your body, eat figs, cake, or honey, today. Make a sacred oath, and promise to change what you can, so true refreshment can restore your sense of well-being and hope for a happier new year. 

With the scent of lavender,
I encircle you with love.

The Goddesses shared in this daily Goddess blog are inspired by: 
365 Goddess by Patricia Telesco

art credit:

29 December 2013


Goddess of the Day

Themes: Banishing; Health; Protection; Harvest; Thankfulness; Kinship
Symbols: Root Crops

Takel Speaks:

I am the Goddess of the Earth, and it is I, who hold up the Heavens. As the Supreme Goddess of abundance, I wish to grace you with blessings. I come with gifts of health and bounty to ensure you are well provided for in the final days of the year.... Daughter, I offer you my protection and providence to overcome all ill will and evil. You are safe and well cared for. 

In my honor, prepare root vegetables. Sweet potatoes and yams are my sacred foods. Dance and celebrate the blessings you have been given this year. Be thankful and of good cheer, so that you may empower my blessings in the year to come. 


The Goddesses shared in this daily Goddess blog are inspired by: 
365 Goddess by Patricia Telesco

art credit:
The Goddess by Patricia Morrey

28 December 2013


Goddess of the Day

Themes: Humor; Festivity; Recreation
Symbols: Party Decorations

Thalia Speaks:

Greetings, sister!

Are you ready to laugh and celebrate the wonder of being alive? I am your muse... Allow me to inspire you to be playful, silly and joyful!

Step out of the box, reach beyond your limitations, embrace the unexpected, and take a walk on the wild side! It's time to have some fun. What are you doing to bring pleasure into  your life and into the lives of others? Treat yourself! Think of all the ways you can invite more pleasure into your life....

What feels good? What do you secretly desire? What makes you happy? Do these things...
today, and often!!

Frolic, dance in the rain, laugh out loud for no reason at all! Do anything that uplifts, amuses, and cheers you up. This is the perfect time to party! Invite friends and family over for a impromptu dinner, or plan an elaborate masquerade or themed party. Be creative! I'll help inspire you once you begin....

Your enthusiastic energy delights me profoundly and I will bless any effort you make to bring more pleasure and joy into your life.


The Goddesses shared in this daily Goddess blog are inspired by: 
365 Goddess by Patricia Telesco

art credit:
by Lola Thunder

27 December 2013


Goddess of the Day

Themes: Kinship; Unity; Devotion; Creativity; Community; Love; Fertility
Symbols: Black Items

Odudua Speaks:

Daughter, it is I, the most ancient one: She Who Created the Earth,

I am the darkest black, the void of all creation. In the coming days, contemplate and celebrate my ways: Harmony; Determination; Community Responsibility; Purpose; Creativity, and Faith. 

Wear black when you wish to absorb negativity and put it to rest. Light a candle in my honor and call upon your powers to manifest the qualities which I possess that you most need. I wish to grace you with these gifts. 

The ancient one,

The Goddesses shared in this daily Goddess blog are inspired by: 
365 Goddess by Patricia Telesco

art credit:
Dark Moon Goddess by Tom Waters

26 December 2013


Goddess of the Day

Themes: Hope; Prosperity; Wishes
Symbols: Boxes

Pandora Speaks:


Sometimes, we, as women, are so misunderstood. We can be misjudged and the lies told about us can stain the purity of our very being. Be wise, dear one. Do not believe all that you are told, rather, look for the deeper, hidden truth. 

My name means 'All-giver', because I delight in sending gifts. May your heart be open, this day to receive my precious gift of hope. 

In honor of the mystery and wonder of life, create a special box for your 'wishes'. Choose a box with a nicely fitting lid. Cover it in beautiful silk fabric or even glitter! Then place within it, trinkets, which represent what you are hoping for. Choose items that represent your goals, wishes and dreams. For example: add special gemstones that offer the energies you desire to manifest within your body or life; a matchbox car if you need reliable transportation; a key if you wish a home of your own; a packet of seeds for lush gardens, etc. Use your imagination! 
Place them within the box. Before closing the box, add an item which represents HOPE, to you. 

Place the box upon your altar. Each day, light a candle as you whisper your prayers and wishes, then blow out the candle. Remember: As soon as one of your wishes comes true, remove the token or trinket and carry it with you until you find another who desires that same wish, then gift the token to them. When all your dreams, goals and wishes have been granted, leave the token of hope in the box! This way, you will never be without hope.


The Goddesses shared in this daily Goddess blog are inspired by: 
365 Goddess by Patricia Telesco

art credit:
Pandora by dahlig on deviantART

25 December 2013


Goddess of the Day

Themes: Rebirth; Kinship; Health; Longevity; Tradition
Symbols: Dormant Trees; Snow

Hertha Speaks:

Earthly blessings, daughter of mine,

I come to you with blessings of love. All my gifts of nature, I share freely with you. Rejoice in my animals, Be empowered by my magick. Be fertile in your imagination, body and spirit. As the wheel of time turns, choose to celebrate and honor the seasons, the cycles, and the divine mystery of it all. There is so much abundance. There is so much to be grateful for. I wish you a long, healthy life. Be open for rebirth on every level of your being. Celebrate the traditions of your people, or create new ones that honor your love for the Earth, the Goddess and life itself.  
My trees offer you many gifts throughout the year. Take time to honor them, this day. Spend time with those you love, especially your own kinfolk. Life is beautiful. Share it with those who matter most to you.

Goddess Spirit of the Earth

The Goddesses shared in this daily Goddess blog are inspired by: 
365 Goddess by Patricia Telesco

art credit:
Winter Goddess by alicepopkorn on deviantART

24 December 2013


Goddess of the Day

Themes:Femininity; Birth; Renewal
Symbols: Dawn; Daylight

Eguski Speaks:

Greetings sister,

As daughter of the Earth, we are one. I greet you with a loving embrace. I see your beautiful essence. I feel your warm nature. I delight in your sincere welcome of me into your heart. I am the light of day. Can you feel my glow upon your skin? Allow the energy of our mother, the Great Goddess, to renew, restore and revitalize you this day. Soak in Her love. Let's dance in celebration of our unity with SHE. Her life-giving power, is truly a gift to be appreciated. Our mother is so nurturing, wise and loving. 

Dance, sing, chant, pray, meditate or light a candle in Her honor. She delights to fill our life with Her special Goddess magick! Life is a miracle. Celebrate it as sacred.  Awaken early, and watch the sun rise with me. Allow its warm glow to fill your entire being as it enters in through your soulful eyes. Open your arms, open your heart and call the Goddess. She will kiss your face with Her gentle, yet powerful light. Ask what you will, SHE delights in transforming you!

Shine bright, beautiful sister.

The Goddesses shared in this daily Goddess blog are inspired by: 
365 Goddess by Patricia Telesco

art credit:
Sunrise Goddess by skiesofchaos on deviantART

23 December 2013


Goddess of the Day

Themes: Earth; Home; Ghosts
Symbols: Stove or Oven; Soil or Clay

Larunda Speaks:

Daughter, I come to ask that you do not forget those who have died, but rather, that you think of them with kindness. As the guardian of earth bound spirits, I come to you this day to tell you of those who have passed through the veil, and yet, who remain to protect and watch over you and those you love. Offer them your loving thoughts and I will bless you abundantly.

I come to bring joy to you and your home. Light a fire in my honor today. Prepare a meal upon your stove or in your oven and I will bless it, too. Cook in a clay pot, if you have one, in honor of the Earth. May you feel my warmth throughout your kitchen on this winter day, and may the kindness I have shown to you, be felt throughout the new year. 

You are loved and cared for in ways you may not know. Remember this, and be at peace.

The Goddesses shared in this daily Goddess blog are inspired by: 
365 Goddess by Patricia Telesco

art credit:
unknown - (free wallpaper)