

31 March 2014


Goddess of the Day

Themes: All Lunar Attributes - Instinct; Creativity; Luck; Femininity; Water Element; Miracles (on a Blue Moon); also Safety in Travel
Symbols: Silver or White Items; Water; Moon Images (& phases); Number 13

Luna Speaks:

Bright Illuminating Blessings, granddaughter....
Dark, Hidden Knowing is my gift to you,

In ancient times I provided protection to chariots, today, I offer my protection to your automobile. Place a symbol of me in your vehicle as a symbol of your love for me and it shall become an amulet of blessings while you drive.

This evening is an especially auspicious time, my darlings. Usually, I ask that you honor me on a full moon, so that my bright light can illuminate your dreams. Yet, this evening is the second dark moon of the month, which is called the Black Moon. It's energy is amplified and anything that you wish to release, is made easier to let go of now. Use this sacred omen as a time to strip yourself of all that no longer serves you and give away all that you no longer need, to others.Then simply rest, trusting that I will take care of everything. Go within and take time to attend to your own needs, desires and dreams. 

You are so loved, my precious one. 
Remember this whenever you look upon me in the night sky.


The Goddesses shared in this daily Goddess blog are inspired by: 
365 Goddess by Patricia Telesco

art credit
Grand Mother Moon brooch  by Sacred Sparks on Etsy

30 March 2014


Goddess of the Day

Themes: Luck; Health; Longevity; Harvest; Fertility
Symbols: Water

Ahurani Speaks:

I delight in showering you with blessings of prosperity and growth, beloved daughter!  

Awaken with the energies of spring! Allow yourself to be open to new possibilities and insight. It's time to celebrate change! Consider what is in need of cleansing, purification and refreshment in your life, body and thinking... 

Today, beloved, focus on the element of water. Be grateful for the abundant blessings it offers to you. You cannot live without it. Celebrate it in every way you can:

  • bathe in it (allow it to wash away impurities)
  • drink it (it's important to keep hydrated)
  • clean with it (bring a sense of clarity to your home)
  • nourish life with it (water your plants, change water in fishbowl, etc.)
  • swim in it (float in the waters of life - a gentle exercise)

Think: FLOW

Affirmation: I flow with ease. I enjoy the juiciness of life!

Wear: blues, white and purples (to embrace the energy of water)


The Goddesses shared in this daily Goddess blog are inspired by: 
365 Goddess by Patricia Telesco

art credit
The Witch of Endor by Kunz Meyer-Waldeck

29 March 2014


Goddess of the Day

Themes: Balance; Restoration; Weather; Cleansing; Fertility
Symbols: Rainwater

Mujaji Speaks:

Daughter, I am She, the Rain Queen. 

I bring gentle rain to nourish your creative and fertile dreams... 
I rain torrents to cleanse your mind, body and spirit...

Release all unproductive emotions while standing under the shower. Allow the warm water to wash away all that no longer serves you. Release yourself from sorrow, pain, anger, guilt and fear. Allow my healing waters to soothe you. Allow my flowing waters to refresh and restore you.

Play in the gentle rains. Dance with joy. Laugh, skip, and twirl... Allow my gentle waters bathe over you. Open to my sweet rains like a flower, thirsty for life! Allow my healing waters to renew you, mind, body and spirit so that you can express your soul song again.

....and like the sound of rain Her name repeats like gentle tapping:
Mu ja ji
Mu ja ji
Mu ja ji


The Goddesses shared in this daily Goddess blog are inspired by: 
365 Goddess by Patricia Telesco

art credit
Mujaji by Lisa Iris

28 March 2014


Goddess of the Day

Themes: Purification; Protection; Offerings; Communication
Symbols: The Spoken Word; Fresh Flowers

Vac Speaks: 

Oh daughter, mama hears your silent distress...and how I wish to banish all dark shadows that taint your thoughts, weigh heavy on your heart, and cause harm to your self esteem and sense of well being. I cannot do so without your consent. 

Reclaim the power of your voice! Speak sacred words in the form of prayer, mantra, affirmation or song to speak alive the truth you wish to experience. Did you know that words are magickal? Consciously chosen words and thoughts have the power to reaffirm your true desires, to sustain you in uncertain times and uncomfortable situations, as well as to shelter, nourish, and uplift your spirit. 

Sing your song of becoming and I will bless each uplifting thought and empowering word.. 

{flower petals fall from Her lips with every word She speaks}

The Goddesses shared in this daily Goddess blog are inspired by: 
365 Goddess by Patricia Telesco

photo credit
Ann Dyer

27 March 2014


Goddess of the Day

Themes: Air; Health
Symbols: A Pot; Turquoise; Musk; a Star; Wind; Cow

Nut Speaks:

Greetings, beautiful daughter of the Earth,

Look up! I am She Who Stretches Across the Sky. I shelter you and watch over you constantly. It is my pleasure to bless you. My four pillars: earth, air, fire and water seek to aid and bless you, too. 

Take a brisk walk, today, and pay attention to my voice on the wind... I have a message especially for you!

If the wind blows from:

the East - 
toss a feather for healthy mental outlook.
the South - 
burn musk incense manifest vital energy and passion.
the West - 
sprinkle water for emotional healing.
the North - 
sift a handful of soil to lay a strong foundation for you visions and ideas.

And, if it swirls, dance!


The Goddesses shared in this daily Goddess blog are inspired by: 
365 Goddess by Patricia Telesco

art credit
The Goddess Nut by Lisa Hunt

26 March 2014


Goddess of the Day

Themes: Earth; Nature; Harvest; Birth; Protection
Symbols: Soil, a Leaf; Seeds

Leshachikha Speaks:

{{ leaves rustle.... a grove of dense trees beckons.... a fleet glimpse of a wild animal catches your gaze for the briefest of moments, and is gone so quickly you do not know what was there just mere moments before... }}

{ Her voice is like a whisper... } Come, daughter, sit with me a while.

{{ Though you do not recall the exact words spoken, you are left with the memory of her deep earth wisdom... Something about honoring the body of our sacred mother; cherishing the bounty and gifts she bestows; guarding and protecting her from all who might cause her harm or disrespect; watch over her waters, her gardens, her valleys and caves... }}

Come, walk with me, a while. Do you see that fallen leaf? Pick it up, my beloved child, gently clutch it in the palm of your hand before tucking it away in your pocket. I will keep you safe. I will protect you, daughter, as you protect me. In my honor, please scatter birdseed for the wild birds. They desire to bring you joy.

{{ With a rustling of wind, She is gone~ and yet, you feel Her presence everywhere! }}


The Goddesses shared in this daily Goddess blog are inspired by: 
365 Goddess by Patricia Telesco

art credit
Wood Nymph by Josephine Wall

25 March 2014


Goddess of the Day

Themes: Love; Health; Humor; Victory; Strength; Relationships
Symbols: Pine; Meteorite; Stone; Key

Cybelle Speaks:

There is much sadness and sorrow in the world, beloved sister... My own true love went mad and killed himself. Heart-broken, I begged Jupiter to restore his life, which he did, in for form of a pine tree. I share my story as a reminder that often in life, we must face great personal tragedy. Yet, if we ask, our desires will be met. Though they may not come in the way we had imagined, if we are grateful and open hearted, we shall find the blessing given us. 

Let's take time this day, my darling sister, to honor the people and things that bring us joy! Let's embrace life and all her beauty. Let's laugh and be healthy. Let's remember the key to life is LOVE. 

{ she gently kisses your cheek before leaving to join her beloved, the pine tree.}


The Goddesses shared in this daily Goddess blog are inspired by: 
365 Goddess by Patricia Telesco

art credit
vintage goddess and pine tree

24 March 2014


Goddess of the Day

Themes: Air; Earth; Nature; Health; Longevity; Devotion; Wishes; Relationships
Symbols: Feathers; Birdseed

Tamra Speaks:

{{ birds sing }}

Do you hear them? Do you understand their language? It's divine. Don't you know?
Don't you remember, daughter of mine?

Once women were birds. We had wings. We could fly. We could bridge heaven and earth..... Reach into the hidden recesses of your soul and you will recall this truth.

Today, dearest one, be quiet and watchful. Listen.... Always, I hear your unspoken questions. Remember: All truth is found within, and yet, if you are patient and open and aware, your answers may come as a message delivered upon a wing or the wind. 



The Goddesses shared in this daily Goddess blog are inspired by: 
365 Goddess by Patricia Telesco

art credit
Universal Music
by Mystical Mike