

02 November 2013


Goddess of the Day

Themes: Death; Ghosts; Rebirth; Devotion
Symbols: Sunset; Hawk (her sacred animal)

Nephthys Speaks:

Daughter, do not fear me. I am Nephthys, the sister of Isis; She whose name means: 'Death which is not eternal'. Remember this my darling, as you let go of all that must die within you and within your life. My wisdom is found when you embrace that which you do not understand. I am the gatekeeper; the sacred midwife between the worlds. You once knew me well, Priestess, though you may have forgotten. 

In my honor, and for those restless souls who may be wandering lost, leave a small cake beside a flowing river, hidden in the tangled roots of an old tree, beneath a rose bush, or tucked neatly near some serene place in nature. 
While you are at this task, if you happen to see or hear the Hawk, pay her heed, she is my messenger.

When the sun begins to set, come join me in the late evening light. Sit with your tools of divination and ask what you will of me. I hear your prayers and will answer your pleas for assistance. I honor your goals, daughter, and will help you reach your them as you seek to renew both yourself and all your relationships.

Infinite blessings,
the Goddess Nephthys

The Goddesses shared in this daily Goddess blog are inspired by: 
365 Goddess by Patricia Telesco 

photo credit:
Nephthys - Musée du Louvre, Paris, France

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