

31 January 2014


Goddess of the Day

Themes: Learning; Wisdom; Communication
Symbols: White Flowers (especially lotus); Marigolds; Swans

Sarasvati Speaks:

Beautiful beloved,

Blessings unto you. I come riding upon the back of a swan. I offer for your benefit, the gifts of writing, art and science. Use your innate wisdom to expand your consciousness, darling one.

Wear or burn lotus and marigold in your incense burner today and place your wishes as an offering upon your altar, so that I will know that you desire me to be with you throughout the year. 

Whenever you require my assistance with communicating from your heart, pluck the petals from a white blossom and place into a bowl of water. Speak aloud:

"Sarasvati, let my words bear gentle beauty and truth,
falling lightly on others' ears,
even as these petals fall upon the water."

Doing so will ensure my additional blessings. 


The Goddesses shared in this daily Goddess blog are inspired by: 
365 Goddess by Patricia Telesco

art credit:

30 January 2014


Goddess of the Day

Themes: Peace
Symbols: White Items; Corn; Cornucopia; Olive Branch

Pax Speaks:

Throughout the year, beloved daughter, I ask that you seek to keep the peace,

Fill your heart with peace. Anything that is not peaceful in your life, or that elicits fear, strife, anger or worry, release unto me. Visualize my peaceful energy encircling anything or anyone who upsets your sense of inner peace. Release them to me and regain your deep inner calm. B R E A T H E 
Breathe in peace. Exhale all energy that is not in harmony with peace.
Continue doing so until every fiber of your being is filled with my divine peace of being.

You are safe. 
You are so deeply loved.
Rest in this knowing.

The Goddesses shared in this daily Goddess blog are inspired by: 
365 Goddess by Patricia Telesco

art credit:
Ambrogio Lorenzetti, Peace - detail from the Allegory of Good Governance

29 January 2014

Spider Woman

Goddess of the Day

Themes: Fertility; Earth; Harvest; Growth
Symbols: Spiders; Woven Items

Spider Woman Speaks:

I come to you, granddaughter, to weave a spell of blessings around you.

May all that you seek to accomplish 

May all that you desire to manifest

May all that you hope to create

May all that you wish to connect

May all that you dream to make whole

I have spoken. I have blessed you. I have empowered you.
Grandmother Spider Woman

The Goddesses shared in this daily Goddess blog are inspired by: 
365 Goddess by Patricia Telesco

art credit:
Spider Woman 1929 Man Ray

28 January 2014


Goddess of the Day

Themes: Abundance; Protection; Cycles; Magick 
Symbols: Gold-coloured Items; Hair

Fulla Speaks:

Sister, I come to you with abundant blessings,

What magickal tools do you use, dearest one? Keep them in a private place when not in use, and I will watch over them for you. Snip a strand of your own beautiful hair and keep it with your sacred tools for added empowerment and magickal energy.

Honor the sacred cycles of life - of earth - of moon - of life/death and rebirth. Today, take note of how doing so benefits you, and make a promise to engage in the circle in even more meaningful ways.

You are so loved,

The Goddesses shared in this daily Goddess blog are inspired by: 
365 Goddess by Patricia Telesco

art credit:
Frigg and Fulla (sisters) by Unripe Hamadryad

27 January 2014


Goddess of the Day

Themes: Fertility; Earth; Harvest; Growth
Symbols: Grains (especially corn); Poppies; Bread

Ceres Speaks:

Daughter of the Earth, hear me,

Take time today to plant seeds you wish to grow throughout the year, seeds of character, seeds of blessings, dream seeds... I am the Goddess, Ceres. My name means to create. Allow my energy to fertilize your sacred ground. Allow my essence to water your womb seeds with life giving power. Care for the earth, the land, my beloved daughter, as this is my body. Care for your own body, as this is my spirit. 

I come to you with blessings of growth. I shower you with red poppies. I feed you with the harvest of love that you may grow lush and abundant. 

Infinite love,

The Goddesses shared in this daily Goddess blog are inspired by: 
365 Goddess by Patricia Telesco

art credit:
Ceres, Goddess of Abundance, 17th Century Giclee Print by Jan Brueghel the Younger 

26 January 2014

Jun Ti

Goddess of the Day

Themes: Long Life; Luck; Fertility; Wisdom; Tradition
Symbols: Dragons; Sun and Moon Symbols; the Numbers 3 and 18

Jun Ti Speaks:

You, Who Has Been Held as Sacred from the Beginning,

It is I, the Ancient One, the Goddess of Polaris. I hold you and the entire universe within my circle of fate. Have you seen my three eyes, granddaughter? Do not fear, but know that you have three as well! Your third eye is 'unseen' and yet it sees all. This is my gift to you. Be wise and pay attention!

Have you seen my eighteen arms, granddaughter? Do not fear, but know that my many arms allow me to protect you from all evil. You may have heard that I am a dragon lady... That I have the head of a dragon... Do not fear, granddaughter, but know my power and wisdom. These are my gifts to you. Be discerning, respectful and strong. Through the sun and moon, I watch over you. 

Jun Ti

The Goddesses shared in this daily Goddess blog are inspired by: 
365 Goddess by Patricia Telesco

art credit:
Cundi = Chinese Buddhist Goddess

25 January 2014

Mother of a Thousand Things

Goddess of the Day

Themes: Luck
Symbols: Any Lucky Totem

Mother of a Thousand Things Speaks:


Do not fear. Release all worry over money. Release all doubt that you are worthy of your needs being met. You are! Your fear is the only thing that keeps you poor. Release it now.
Trust that all your needs will be met. Let go of all the many things to hold onto in fear and open to receive the many blessings I hold for you.

Mother of a Thousand Things

The Goddesses shared in this daily Goddess blog are inspired by: 
365 Goddess by Patricia Telesco

art credit:

24 January 2014


Goddess of the Day

Themes: Prosperity; Luck; Providence
Symbols: Golden Items; Corn

Nokomis Speaks:


I provide for you in times of need. Have you felt my presence? Have you been compelled to sit in gratitude with me? I offer my spirit that you may consume it and offer it freely to those who walk the path of beauty after you.

Wear gold today, to honor the good fortune I offer to you in countless ways each and every day of your life. Keep a kernel of corn with you, as a reminder that prosperity is my gift to you.

Blessings abundant,
Nokomis ~ the Ancient One

The Goddesses shared in this daily Goddess blog are inspired by: 
365 Goddess by Patricia Telesco

art credit:
“Changing Woman” by Susan Seddon Boulet

23 January 2014

The Earthly Mother

Goddess of the Day

Themes: Nature; Earth Awareness
Symbols: Trees

The Earthly Mother Speaks:

Oh, beautiful daughter of mine,

How I adore you. I give my very breath and body to you, that you may thrive and flourish. 

My Essenes reveal my four angels - earth, air, water and fire. These angels who are the essence of my being are gifts to you. You are made of all four so that you may experience joy and life abundant. Honor me, my beloved, by honoring the elements and spirit of life. Honor my body by caring for it as your own precious vessel. Honor my gifts by safeguarding them for future generations. 

Take time to pay attention to the trees. They are my messengers speaking blessings upon every one. Sit beneath one and listen. Plant a tree or an entire circle of trees as a gift for those who will walk the path of beauty after you.

With deep devotion, 
the Earthly Mother

The Goddesses shared in this daily Goddess blog are inspired by: 
365 Goddess by Patricia Telesco

art credit:
Earthly Mother. William Ricketts Sanctuary, Melbourne, Australia.